We are very happy to assist you with your purchase.    Please have the model and serial number handy.    Do you have a photo of the manifolds and risers on the motor?

Freight Charges - Please Note:   These manifold and riser parts are very bulky and heavy. An average order of manifolds and risers weighs about 50 kilos or more.     Freight estimates can be given by email or phone. The default freight rate of $20 charged by this website will not cover the total cost of freight.

Following your order we will contact you with the total freight amount.   As a guide, a single riser delivered by courier in Sydney metro is $25.   The same part delivered to Melbourne will be $30.    Two risers shipping together will be $30 and $35 respectively.

These manifold and riser parts are special orders and no returns are possible due to the cost of freight.   You will be ordering by part number only.   Where a return is authorised there maybe a restocking fee.

Barr Mercruiser 120 Mercruiser 4 Cylinder Manifold


SKU MC-1-63122